Love, Joy, Peace...

Today's Prayer

Shall we pray for all presidents on this Presidents’ Day, God in whose law we delight, or only for those we like? Shall we celebrate and lift up those we consider successful at the task or pray against those who seem to have caused more harm than good to the nation they led? I suspect that is what many of us are doing in our divided world today. Picking and choosing who is worthy of our prayers, who is worthy of your blessing or reproach.

But that has never been our job, has it? Our job is to pray for all. Our job is to pray. Our job is to live the values of your kin-dom in all aspects of our lives. Our job is to build coalitions, to cross boundaries, to include those pushed to the margins. Our job is to live in a way that helps us see you, helps us reflect you, even as we pray for leaders and followers both. So, help us, God of us all, set aside our desire to score points against those with whom we disagree and pray for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Christ, have mercy. Amen.

Derek C Weber, February 2025